PAN01 PRO is the deluxe version of Palmer's top selling passive DI box PAN01. It features a 2 mm steel housing and heavy duty metal switches for the PAD and ground lift functions to withstand the rigors of the road and stage. The transformer has been completely redesigned and ...
2-channel passive DI box for line and loudspeaker levels. PAN-04 consists of a housing containing the equivalent of two PAN-01s, making it a dual channel passive DI box. This „stereo" configuration makes it ideally suited for use with certain keyboards and devices which have s...
Palmer PAN04A je 2-kanalni DI-Box namenjen za uporabo asimetričnih in visokoimpedančnih signalov iz električnih inštrumentov z mikrofonskimi vhodi na mešalnih mizah. S pomočjo transformatorja pretvori signal v balansiranega in nizkoimpedančnega. S tem tudi izniči brum in motnj...
2-channel Passive Direct Box
Palmer PAN02 PRO je aktivni DI-box z dodatnimi funkcijami. Vključujejo neuravnotežen XLR vhod, s tremi stopnjami dušenja -10, -20, -30 dB in spremenljivim ojačanjem 12 dB, ki je povezan z maksimalno izhodno napetostjo +20 dBu. Na voljo je tudi stikalo Groundlift za odpravo než...
Users frequently attempt to connect a DI box in reverse in order to feed a balanced signal into an unbalanced input. Because of mismatching, however, this leads to unsatisfactory results. With the PDIR01 (DI-REVERSE), we offer a box that provides a perfect technical solution t...
Passive Direct Box With Variable Pad, Amplifier Out, And Cinemag Transformer
Passive 2-Channel DI-Box
Media DI Box 2-Channel for PC and Laptop
The BD10 is a high performance, passive direct box housed in a industrial strength enclosure, and includes custom dbx mu-metal-shielded audio transformers, high-quality Neutrik connectors, and low-noise circuitry.
AR-133 direct box is without peer in both categories. The AR-133's metal casing could hold up under a buffalo stampede, and its strong rubber grips ensure it can't be kicked around easily. The sound is low-impedance bliss-clear, powerful and incredibly transparent. The AR-133 ...
Z-Tone Active Direct Box iz IK Multimedia je poln uporabnih funkcij, ki izboljšajo zvok vaše sekire. Kot večina DI ima Z-Tone dovolj prostora za glavo, da ohrani naraven občutek vašega inštrumenta in je opremljen s priročnim gumbom za nadzor ojačenja. Ločuje se od drugih nepos...
1-channel Active Direct Box with Phantom-powered operation, 1/4" TRS Input, XLR Output, -20dB Pad, and Earth Lift
Dvokanalni izolacijski transformator (linijski izolator). RCA vhodi in izhodi, zasnovan za povezavo računalnikov, zvočnih vmesnikov, hifi sistemov, itd. PLI03 eliminira brum zaradi ozemljitvene zanke in interferenčne sgnale, ki jih lahko povzroča npr. računalnik.
DB14b je DI-box za posebne aplikacije, ki lahko loči stereo signal in določi neodvisno kontrolo glasnosti za vsako stezo. Ponuja združen XLR izhod za uporabo pri AV predstavitvah z računalnika. Vključen je eliminator bruma z ground lift stikalom. Stereo RCA in 3,5mm vhodi, 2 k...
Pasivni DI box. 6,3mm jack vhod s paralelnim "THRU" izhodom in balansiranim XLR izhodom. Vhodna občutljivost z možnostjo atenuacije, lahko sprejme tako linijske kot zvočniške signale.
Stereo line isolator with XLR connectors
Mono Active Direct Box with Custom Transformers, Class-A, Discrete FET Amplifier Circuit, Rugged Steel Chassis, Ground Lift, Speaker/Instrument Switch, and LED Current Consumption Meter
Stereo Active Direct Box with Custom Transformers, Discrete Class-A FET Amplifier Circuit, Rugged Steel Chassis, Ground Lift, 3.5mm Stereo Input Jack, and LED Current Consumption Meter
The Radial StageBug SB-4 is an active DI box in a compact design and is intended primarily for signal transmission from a piezo pickup system. It is very efficient because it suppresses peaks and reproduces the natural sound of the instrument. Handles extreme signal levels wit...
The Radial ProAV2 is a passive stereo DI box of the highest quality, and is used for multimedia purposes. The core of this great DI box is the transformer, thanks to which the ProAV2 can handle extreme signal levels without any distortion. ProAV2 transmits the natural, clear a...
The Radial StageBug SB-2 is a passive DI box in a compact design and is intended primarily for the transmission of bass guitar and keyboard signals, but it can also be used for other instruments. Handles extreme signal levels without any distortion. The sound is reminiscent of...
The Radial ProDI-1 is a passive DI box of the highest quality and can handle extreme signal levels without any distortion. The sound is reminiscent of the best vintage equipment - the ProDI-1 transmits a natural, clean and undistorted instrument sound from 20Hz to 18kHz. With ...
The Radial JDI is a passive mono DI box of the highest quality and can handle extreme signal levels without any distortion. The core of this great DI box is the JT-DB-EPC transformer from the renowned world manufacturer Jensen. The sound is reminiscent of the best vintage equi...
Predvajajte svoj cevni ojačevalnik na sosednjih prijaznih ravneh glasnosti ali igrajte brez zvočniške omarice z reaktivno obremenitveno škatlo Two Notes Torpedo Captor, neposredno škatlo, dušilnikom in simulatorjem zvočnikov. Temelji na priznanem Torpedo Reload, Torpedo Captor...
uros stopar
Vreden svojega denarja, Če uporabljate fly z reverbom. Bistveno poveca polnost in mehkobo zvoka.
Janez Gomboc
Odličen mikser, robusten, dinamičen, enostaven, odziven, brez šuma in pačenja. Vrhunski efekti, bluetooth in USB player delata brez problemov KOSMOS poleg Eq odpre neverjetne frekvence posnetkov in instrumentov. Priporočam.
Audio Pro d.o.o.
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