Plate Reverb Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Reverb Voices, Modulation, and Trails/Bypass Modes
Tape-style Delay Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Tape Modes, Switchable Preamp Emulation, Selectable True/Tails Bypass, and Analog Dry-through
Digital Reverb Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Reverb Voices, Modulation, and Trails/Bypass Modes
Compressor Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Compression Modes, Parallel Mode, and Selectable True/Buffered Bypass
Chorus and Vibrato Guitar Effects Pedal with Analog Preamp Modeling and True/Buffered Bypass
Compressor and Limiter Pedal with True/Buffered Bypass
Stereo Amp Emulation Effects Pedal with 3-band EQ, 6 Cabs/Speakers, Noise Gate, Distortion, Overdrive, 1/4" Stereo I/O, USB-C, Bluetooth, and Presets
Big cleans, deep vibrato, springy reverb — sound familiar?
Stereo Amplifier Simulator Pedal with Jazz/Rock Switch, 9 Mic/Cabs, 3-band EQ, Custom Mode, Bluetooth, USB-C, and Presets
Stereo Amplifier Simulator with 3 Channels, Overdrive, Preamp Boost, Noise Gate, 6 Mics/Cabs, USB-C, Bluetooth, and Presets
Tremolo Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Tremolo Voices, Tube Preamp Emulation, and Tap Tempo
Amp Emulation Guitar Effects Pedal with 3 Modes and 3 Cabs/Speakers
Stereo Reverb and Delay Pedal with Tap Tempo, 3 Head Selections, Tape Age Control, Buffered Bypass, Trails, Analog Dry Through, and UAFX Control App
Universal Audio vodi igro, ko gre za sprotne emulacije klasične studijske strojne opreme in učinkov, ki jih poganja njihov vrhunski DSP. Zdaj so te učinke prenesli na oder z ubijalsko linijo kitarskih pedalov, ki so polna emulacije nekaterih najbolj zaželenih zamikov vseh časo...
Stereo Reverb and Delay Pedal with 3 Reverb Modes, 3 Delay Modes, Color, Modulation, Buffered Bypass, Trails, Analog Dry Through, and UAFX Control App
Universal Audio je vzel izbor svojih najboljših emulacij klasičnih učinkov, ki jih poganja DSP, in jih zapakiral v premišljeno oblikovana, ultra-robustna kitarska pedala, ki so sanje lovcev tonov. Universal Astra Modulation Machine vam postavi tri legendarne modulacijske učink...
Stereo Dual Compressor Pedal with 3 Compressor Models, 610-style Preamp, Buffered Bypass, and UAFX Control App
Osupljive emulacije klasičnih studijskih odjekov Universal Audio so postale nepogrešljivo orodje v produkcijskih arzenalih umetnikov in inženirjev, vključno z nami. Zdaj lahko kitaristi s pedalom Universal Audio Golden Reverberator Pedal odnesejo te dih jemajoče ambientalne od...
uros stopar
Vreden svojega denarja, Če uporabljate fly z reverbom. Bistveno poveca polnost in mehkobo zvoka.
Janez Gomboc
Odličen mikser, robusten, dinamičen, enostaven, odziven, brez šuma in pačenja. Vrhunski efekti, bluetooth in USB player delata brez problemov KOSMOS poleg Eq odpre neverjetne frekvence posnetkov in instrumentov. Priporočam.
Audio Pro d.o.o.
Spletna pošta ni zapisana v pravilnem formatu.
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