Pasivni inštalacijski zvočnik, 60W @ 8 Ohm, 32W @ 100V. 6,5" nizkotonec, 1" visokotonec. Črna barva. Nosilec priložen. Cena za par.
The CSS556 is a 10 Watt surface-mount loudspeaker which is designed to be used in all kinds of applications where there is no possibility to integrate speakers into walls or ceilings. It features a 6” full range loudspeaker which is suitable for background music an announcemen...
Sistem zvočnikov za površinsko montažo Electrovoice EVID 6.2 Twin 6" je primeren za namestitev na večjih območjih, ki zahtevajo visoko raven SPL. Electrovoice EVID 6.2, sestavljen iz dvojnih 6-palčnih gonilnikov LF in 1-palčnega Ti/valovoda, je popoln za aplikacije, ki zaht...
Passive loudspeaker 70 W @ 8 Ohm, 32 W @ L100V.
GPL Series General Purpose Loudspeakers
The ATEO4 is the 4” version with a 1” dome tweeter and a 4” Mid /Low-frequency driver, ensuring a true to- nature, high-fidelity reproduction of music and speech. It features a stunningly designed and elegant looking ABS housing which is fitted with high-quality components. Wh...
H-2 je polkrogelni, kompaktni stenski dvosistemski zvočnik, ki zagotavlja odlično kakovost reprodukcije. Kot zvočnika se lahko nastavlja 360 stopinj, paralelno na površino namestitve.
Pasivni inštalacijski zvočnik, 70W @ 8 Ohm, 32W @ 100V. 8" nizkotonec, 1" visokotonec. Bela barva. Nosilec priložen. Cena za par.
The Impulse®261 is a wide-range high-output permanent install 2-way loudspeaker system. With two 6.5" woofers and a 1" titanium dome tweeter mounted on a waveguide, the system is capable of excellent controlled coverage, with a hi-fi sound character.
Full-size, high-fidelity, full-range surface mount loudspeakers featuring 8" LF and 1" HF drivers
100 V ceiling speaker A high-quality sound in all circumstances, 2-way speaker, Deep, warm output, Simple and elegant design, Easy installation
Popoln za različna okolja, kjer je potreben zvok celotnega razpona, vendar je prostor omejen: restavracije, bari, bistroji, veleblagovnice in prizorišča na prostem. Zaradi odziva nizkih tonov veliko večjega zvočnika je dvojni 4-palčni nizkotonec 4.2 fenomenalen.
The TR-3D subwoofer is a high-output, dynamic subwoofer designed for both music and movies, and the perfect partner for our loudspeakers.
The Wharfedale Pro SIGMA-XV5 is a 360 watt passive column speaker. Equipped with two HF compression drivers with a mini EVO-Fold waveguide which provides consistent dispersion coverage on both the horizontal and vertical planes with the sound radiating from one, singular and c...
IC 8S is a ceiling loudspeaker composed of an 8 "woofer and a rotatable 1" tweeter, which can work in low impedance installations supporting a power of 30 W @ 8 Ohm, and in 70/100 volt line installations. , having for this a power selector (30/15/8/5 W).
IC 80 T is a ceiling loudspeaker composed of an 8" woofer, which can work in low impedance installations supporting a power of 6 W @ 8 Ohm, and in 100 volt line installations, having a power selector. (6/3 W).
The KYRA column speakers range is the elegant result of research in the field of phased array acoustics. The selection of the highest quality materials including aluminum cone 2” drivers guarantee an extraordinary detail and clarity for music and speech, which is uncommon for ...
uros stopar
Vreden svojega denarja, Če uporabljate fly z reverbom. Bistveno poveca polnost in mehkobo zvoka.
Janez Gomboc
Odličen mikser, robusten, dinamičen, enostaven, odziven, brez šuma in pačenja. Vrhunski efekti, bluetooth in USB player delata brez problemov KOSMOS poleg Eq odpre neverjetne frekvence posnetkov in instrumentov. Priporočam.
Audio Pro d.o.o.
Spletna pošta ni zapisana v pravilnem formatu.
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