Enjoy the weight and sound of maple in our popular 5B profile.
High-quality drumsticks
High-quality jazz drumsticks
For the 5A player looking for the weight and distinctive sound of a maple stick.
Developed for the player who is looking for ultimate rebound on the drums and cymbals, the American Jazz line is comprised of six models which feature a long taper in the shaft for that great feel! The neck specifications are sizable enough to create dark cymbal sounds, and th...
Our 7A, crafted in maple. Great for music that requires a light touch.
Palice za bobne, tip 5A, natur barva, najbolj priljubljen model.
Prve kovinsko barvane palice za bobne, 5A profil, U.S. Select Hickory. Cena za par.
Palice za bobne, tip 7A, črna barva, hikorij.
Palice za bobne, tip 5A, črna barva, hikorij.
Palica za bobne. 7A oblika palice, javor. Zelena barva.
Palice za bobne, tip 7A, natur barva, hickory les.
Quality 'Hickory' maple drumsticks. The thickness of the 7A sticks is suitable for jazz and fusion drummers. Excellent price-quality ratio. GEWA is the largest supplier of musical equipment and accessories in Europe and guarantees quality products at the best prices. The state...
uros stopar
Vreden svojega denarja, Če uporabljate fly z reverbom. Bistveno poveca polnost in mehkobo zvoka.
Janez Gomboc
Odličen mikser, robusten, dinamičen, enostaven, odziven, brez šuma in pačenja. Vrhunski efekti, bluetooth in USB player delata brez problemov KOSMOS poleg Eq odpre neverjetne frekvence posnetkov in instrumentov. Priporočam.
Audio Pro d.o.o.
Spletna pošta ni zapisana v pravilnem formatu.
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