Zoom Podtrak P4 | 4-channel Ultimate Recorder For Podcasting

199,00 € MPC: 272,46 € (-27%)
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Nikoli ni bil boljši čas za začetek lastnega podcasta. In z Zoom PodTrak P4 je začetek in snemanje vaših epizod preprost! Ta tanek snemalnik ima štiri vhode za mikrofon — vsak s preklopljivim +48 V fantomskim napajanjem daje vam in trem drugim gostiteljem prilagodljivost za uporabo poljubne kombinacije mikrofonov. Ima posamezne izhode za slušalke z neodvisnimi kontrolami glasnosti, tako da lahko vsak gostitelj spremlja popolnoma udobno. Na voljo so vam štiri programabilne zvočne plošče, ki sprožijo uvodno glasbo vaše predstave in značilne zvočne bajte. Opremljen je tudi z vgrajenimi učinki za osnovno obdelavo signala. Izhod USB omogoča priročno snemanje neposredno v DAW za urejanje in obdelavo. PodTrak P4 ima življenjsko dobo baterije 3,5 ure. Ne sekiraj se; če je na obzorju maratonsko snemanje, se lahko napaja iz zunanjega napajanja, tako da ne zamudite niti sekunde dogajanja. Če se želite vključiti v igro podcastov, bo Zoom PodTrak P4 vaš najboljši prijatelj.

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There's never been a better time to start your own podcast. And with the Zoom PodTrak P4 getting started and recording your episodes is a breeze! This slim recorder has four microphone inputs — each with switchable +48V phantom power gives you and three other hosts the flexibility to use any combination of microphones you like. It has individual headphone outputs with independent volume controls so each host can monitor in complete comfort. Four programmable sound pads are at your disposal to trigger your show's intro music and signature sound bytes. It's also equipped with onboard effects for basic signal processing. A USB output enables convenient recording straight into a DAW for editing and processing. The PodTrak P4 has a battery life of 3.5 hours. Don't fret; if a marathon recording session is on the horizon, it can be powered from an external power supply, so you don't miss a second of the action. If you're looking to get into the podcast game, the Zoom PodTrak P4 will be your best friend.

Doubles as a USB audio interface

In addition to recording and storing audio to an SDXC card, the Zoom PodTrak P4 can play double duty as a USB audio interface. With a USB cable (sold separately), you can plug the PodTrak right into your computer. From there, you can edit the audio in a DAW, apply effects in real-time, and upload it to your favorite podcasting platform.

Onboard effects enhance your show

To keep your audio sounding fresh and professional, the PodTrak has onboard effects. You can experiment with a total of 16 effects, including delay, reverb, and compression. We especially appreciate the clarity that the Enhance effect adds to vocals. Using the display, you can apply up to five effects simultaneously to achieve the audio effect you're going for. That's not all, though. The PodTrak P4's sound pads allow you to program special effects and trigger them in real-time. So go ahead, add that hip hop air horn to the show!


  • 4 XLR microphone inputs and multitrack recording allows up to 4 hosts or sound sources to be recorded at once
  • Switchable phantom power enables the use of condenser microphones
  • Programmable Sound Pads trigger sound effects and intro music as needed
  • USB output allows you to record straight into your DAW
  • Onboard effects let you customize your sound
  • Mix-Minus automatically adjusts the input volume of phone interviews
  • 4 headphone outputs with individual volume controls
  • 3.5 hours of continuous operation on fresh batteries


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