Warm Audio Wa87 R2 Nickel | Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone Nickel

545,00 € MPC: 701,05 € (-22%)
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Warm Audio WA-87 R2 je vsestranski mikrofon za vse uporabnike, ki želijo nadgraditi svoj arzenal po razumni ceni ali ki preprosto iščejo odlično oblikovan in izdelan kondenzatorski mikrofon z vintage značajem. Mikrofon vsebuje vrhunske komponente priznanih proizvajalcev elektronike, po meri narejen izhodni transformator CineMag z izboljšanim frekvenčnim odzivom in kapsulo, ki jo je posebej razvil Warm Audio. Zahvaljujoč preklopljivim polarnim vzorcem WA-87 R2 ni zanimiv le za vokalistke (zlasti v rapu in metalu), ampak je kot njegov veliki vzornik primeren tudi za vse možne studijske situacije, kot so različne oblike sobnega mikrofoniranja ali M /S stereofonija. Njegovo dobro razmerje med signalom in šumom zagotavlja tudi profesionalno raven čistoče pri snemanju ambienta. Nazadnje, funkcionalni obseg Warm Audio WA-87 R2 zaokrožujeta -10db pad za glasne vire zvoka in visokofrekvenčni filter pri 80Hz.

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Their acclaimed compressors and preamps have famously upset the pro audio price/performance ratio. When Warm Audio turned its attention to microphones with the WA-87, they set a high target: one of the most iconic large-diaphragm, multi-pattern FET condenser mics in history. To say they succeeded would be an understatement: the original WA-87 was a best-seller. Now with the WA87 R2, Warm Audio have made their modern classic better than ever. Featuring a sleek new design with a rounded grille, optimized metalwork, and performance enhancements that include a genuine Cinemag transformer; the Warm Audio WA87 R2 is a workhorse mic that deserves a place in your mic locker.

Affordable modern incarnation of a legendary mic

Flash back to any top recording studio in the 1970s. You’ll see the venerable ’87 everywhere. On toms, overheads, guitar cabs, brass, congas, vocals — you name it. Engineers who have worked with different generations of this perennial studio favorite know that the vintage ones have a warmer, more forgiving sonic character. It’s these circuit designs — dating back a half century — that Warm Audio closely followed for the WA87 R2. Stellar performance, top-shelf parts, and amazing value: that’s the Warm formula — and the WA87 R2 nails it.

What can the WA87 R2 do for you?

Every studio needs at least one pair of high-quality large-diaphragm condenser mics, and the Warm Audio WA87 R2 is designed after a legendary one. You can use the WA87 R2 on anything — with world-class results. It’s great for vocals. It makes drums sound huge. It’s a must-have for adding a bit of room to complement a close dynamic or ribbon on a guitar cabinet. It’s an ideal choice for any acoustic instrument — strings, brass, woodwinds, or percussion. We’ve even used it on kick drum (where the 10dB pad comes in handy)! It’s equipped with an 80Hz highpass filter that’s useful for killing low-end mud and rumble. And its three polar patterns further increase this microphone’s already impressive versatility.

Explore the sonic possibilities

The WA87 R2’s three switchable polar patterns — cardioid, omnidirectional, and figure-8 — give you immense flexibility when it comes to exploring the sonic possibilities offered by different recording techniques. Figure-8 (bi-directional) is perfect for capturing face-to-face recordings such as two background singers on one mic. This pattern also features aggressive side rejection, which makes it a useful option for miking backline amps and speaker cabinets. With two of these superb mics, you can implement stereo techniques such as Spaced Pair (A/B), X-Y (including Blumlein), ORTF array, and mid-side (M-S). You could even mic an entire symphony orchestra and the ambience of the hall it's in with just three judiciously placed WA87 R2 microphones set to omni.

Quality components make the Warm difference

Warm Audio doesn’t cut corners on components, but they do order parts and build in quantity, which keeps costs down and delivers amazing value. The WA87 R2 is assembled with premium all-discrete components such as NOS Fairchild transistors, WIMA/Nichicon capacitors, and a genuine USA-made Cinemag output transformer. The mic also features a custom reproduction of the renowned K-87 dual-diaphragm/dual-backplate capsule used in vintage ’87s. Premium parts and meticulous design deliver a superior-sounding microphone — one that doesn’t cost a fortune. Give the WA87 R2 an audition in your studio: you’ll hear what we’re talking about.


  • 3 switchable polar patterns: cardioid, omnidirectional, and figure-8
  • Designed after a classic, studio-standard large-diaphragm FET condenser mic
  • Incorporates a faithful reproduction of the original vintage 87-style circuit
  • WA87-B-50V capsule reproduction of the vintage dual-backplate K87
  • Exceptional build quality with premium, all-discrete components
  • NOS Fairchild transistors and WIMA/Nichicon capacitors
  • Custom Cinemag USA output transformer
  • Nickel-plated brass body; 10dB pad; 80Hz highpass filter
  • Diaphragm: 6 micron, 1-inch gold-sputtered membrane
  • Frequency response: 20kHz–20kHz; Noise: -117dB
  • SPL (.5% THD): 132dB (pad engaged), 125dB (pad disengaged)
  • 24k gold-plated, 3 pin XLR (150 ohms)
  • Includes shock mount, hard mount, and wooden storage box

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