Warm Audio WA-2A | Tube Opto Compressor

859,00 € MPC: 1.049,00 € (-18%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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WA-2A se ponaša s popolnoma diskretno potjo signala s celotno cevjo in topologijo komponente skozi luknjo. Vsebuje tudi vhodne in izhodne transformatorje Cinemag z velikim jedrom po meri, štiri vrhunske vakuumske cevi in legendarno opto celico Kenetek, ki jo mnogi smatrajo za najboljšo na svetu. Noben vtični ali drug tip kompresorja se ne more primerjati s toplimi, prizanesljivimi in tekočimi lastnostmi tega klasičnega kompresorja z optično cevjo. Že desetletja je znano vezje tipa 2A postalo najboljša naprava za brezhibno rokovanje z vokali, basom in široko paleto drugih instrumentov in programskega materiala na gladek način brez truda.

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1-channel Tube Optical Compressor with All-discrete Signal Path, Custom Optical Photocell, and Cinemag Transformers

Warm Audio's WA-2A set its target high: the most iconic tube compressor in history. How does Warm do it? Through economies of scale, mostly. They don't cut corners on components (the WA-2A employs a custom optical photocell and genuine US-made Cinemag transformers), but they do order parts and build in quantity, which keeps costs down. Like the classic unit, the WA-2A gives you a completely discrete signal path and the same arrangement of controls. And yes, it replicates the original's coveted warm sound and forgiving nature. Elevate your studio to the next level - with the Warm Audio WA-2A.

Warm Audio WA-2A at a Glance:

  • What can the WA-2A do for you?
  • Top-tier performance - and a stunning value

What can the WA-2A do for you?

Every studio needs a good compressor, and the Warm Audio WA-2A is designed after the mother of all compressors - the legendary LA-2A Leveling Amplifier. With its euphonic, fluid, forgiving sonics and all-discrete, all-tube signal path, the WA-2A is your go-to device for everything from caressingly warm dynamics control to full-tilt squashfest. It's fabulous on bass, kick drum, vocals - you name it. It's lovely for punchy parallel processing on drums, and if you have two of them, the possibilities become even greater.

Top-tier performance - and a stunning value

We are all about performance and value, and that's what the WA-2A gives you. At this amazing price, you can double your value and get two. With a pair of these in your rack, you can make that stereo piano sit proudly in the track. Punch up your toms. Strap them across your stereo bus for some mastering magic, and fortify your mix with serious slam factor.

Warm Audio WA-2A Features:

  • Faithful re-creation of the iconic LA-2A Leveling Amplifier in a 2RU chassis
  • Completely discrete, all-tube signal path:
    • Historically accurate 4-tube circuit
    • US-made Cinemag input and output transformers
    • Custom optical photocell

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