Tc Helicon Voicetone C1 | Single Hardtune & Correction

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Od izjemno priljubljenega učinka HardTune do subtilne korekcije višine in manipulacije spola bo singel VoiceTone Single C1 na oder prinesel zloglasni učinek korekcije višine. Obdelava korekcije blage do divje višine VoiceTone C1 ima čisto, pregledno zmožnost popravljanja z edinstvenim nadzorom glasbenega vnosa prek kitarskega vhoda, če želite. Ko preglednost ni vaša stvar, boste s krmiljenjem napada in nadzora spola popravek višine C1 spremenili v robotski sodoben učinek, ki ga slišite povsod.

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From the wildly popular HardTune effect to subtle pitch correction and gender manipulation, the VoiceTone Single C1 single will bring the infamous pitch correction effect to the stage.

Mild to Wild Pitch Correction Processing
VoiceTone C1 has clean, transparent correction capability with unique control of musical input via the guitar input if desired. When transparency isn't your bag, cranking the attack and gender controls will turn the C1's pitch correction into the robotic modern effect heard everywhere.

As simple as plugging in your mic
Gaining access to the studio quality sounds and intelligent processing of the VoiceTone C1 is as simple as plugging in your mic and turning the effect on. Of course, you can always change the style or the amount of effect, but you shouldn't need to unfold the manual.

Strong family genes
The TC-Helicon VoiceTone Singles series includes four vocal processing pedals, each with a single mission – to allow any vocalist to deliver jaw-dropping performances. VoiceTone Singles are the ultimate combination of tone and simplicity. Each of the four effects has inherited algorithms from the award-winning VoiceLive 2, so although VoiceTone Singles come in small packages they deliver a big sound.

TC Helicon VoiceTone Single C1 HardTune & Correction Features:

  • "Mild to Wild" pitch correction effects
  • Connects between your mic and mixer
  • High quality signal path and tough enclosure
  • Can be chained to additional VoiceTone Singles
  • Mic-Control offers remote on/off via TC-Helicon MP-75 microphone
  • Studio quality mic-pre with phantom power
  • Balanced XLR output
  • Recessed gain knob that prevents accidental bumps on stage
  • USB for connecting to VoiceSupport for added tips, tricks, support and updates
  • Die-cast steel design
  • Rubberized base
  • Audio performance to rival high-end front-of-house mixers

    Included with VoiceTone C1
  • Region specific power supply
  • USB cable
  • User guide

TC Helicon VoiceTone Single C1 HardTune & Correction Specifications:

  • Control
  • Key/Auto selection
  • Correction Amount
  • Gender Amount
  • Footswitch on/off
  • Mic Control on/off

  • Height: 5.4 inches (140 mm)
  • Width: 3.5 inches (90 mm)
  • Depth: 2.3 inches (60 mm)

  • Weight: 0.92 lb. (0.42 kg)

  • Two part dies cast metal
  • Rubberized base

    Analog Inputs
  • Connectors, balanced: Mic.: XLR
  • Mic Input Level @ 0 dBFS: -42dBu to +1dBu
  • EIN @ Max Mic Gain Rg = 150 Ohm: -126 dBu
  • Mic input SNR: >104 dB
  • Guitar Input impedance: 1 MOhm
  • Guitar Input Level @ 0 dBFS: -7 dBU to 17 dBu
  • Guitar Input SNR: >115dB

    Analog Outputs
  • Output Impedance, Bal./Unbal.: 200/100 Ohm
  • Output Full Scale: +1 dBu
  • Dynamic Range: >104 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • Frequency Response: +0/-0.3 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz

  • USB for firmware and control
  • Mic Control using TC-Helicon MP-75


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