Tc Helicon Ditto Mic Looper | Vocal Looper Pedal

145,00 € MPC: 145,00 €
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TC Electronic Ditto Mic Looper Vocal Looper Pedal je preprost looper pedal, ki se lahko uporablja za vokale ali mikrofonirane instrumente. Odličen je za pevce, beatboxerje in akustične izvajalce, ki želijo hitro in enostavno zajeti in zgraditi postavljene mojstrovine. S samo enim gumbom in dvema gumboma ne bi moglo biti preprostejše. Dva gumba upravljata zaustavitev in zanko. Namenski gumb za zaustavitev pomeni, da lahko svojo zanko začasno ustavite in predvajate točno kjer in kadar želite, nekaj, česar večina zank z enim gumbom ne zmore z enako natančnostjo. Če držite stop, boste izbrisali zanko brez neželenega predvajanja. Gumb za zanko je preprosto to, gumb, ki začne z zanko in presnemavanjem. S tem gumbom lahko določite vrstni red dejanj preklopa zanke. Vrstni red teh dejanj je lahko snemanje/predvajanje/presnemanje ali snemanje/presnemanje/predvajanje. Zadnja zanka, ki jo naredite, se samodejno shrani, tudi ko je naprava izklopljena. Nastavitev je prav tako poenostavljena s funkcijo Automatic Mic Gain. Ta sekajoči kos inženiringa omogoča Ditto, da najde lastno raven ojačanja, kar pomeni, da vam nikoli več ne bo treba skrbeti za vhodne ravni. Edini čas, ko boste morali nastaviti stopnje ojačenja, je pri mešalniku. Ditto Mic Looper snema v 24-bitnem nestisnjenem in brezkompromisnem zvoku. Ima tudi prvoten mikrofonski predojačevalnik in fantomsko napajanje, kar pomeni, da lahko izbirate med svojimi najljubšimi mikrofoni in začnete predvajati z visokokakovostnim zvokom. Ditto Mic Looper je odlično orodje za pevce in akustične igralce. Omogoča vam ustvarjanje celih zborov s svojim glasom ali ogromnih godb na pihala samo s trobento. Enostavna zasnova in funkcionalnost Mic Looperja pomenita, da morate, ko pride navdih, narediti samo tisto, kar pride naravno.

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The TC Electronic Ditto Mic Looper Vocal Looper Pedal is a simple looper pedal that can be used for vocals or mic'ed up instruments. It's great for singers, beatboxers and acoustic performers who want to capture and build layed masterpieces quickly and easily. With just one knob and two buttons, it couldn't be simpler. 

The two buttons control stop and loop. The dedicated stop button means that you can pause and play your loop exactly where and when you want, something that most single button loopers can't do with the same accuracy. Holding down stop will erase your loop without any unwanted playback.

The loop button is simply that, the button that starts you looping and overdubbing. With this button, you get to decide the order of the loop switch actions. The order of these actions can be, record/play/overdub or record/overdub/play. The last loop you make is automatically stored, even when the device switched off.

Set up has also been made easy with its Automatic Mic Gain feature. This cleaver piece of engineering allows the Ditto to find its own gain level, meaning you'll never have to worry about input levels again. The only time you'll need to set any gain levels is at the mixer.

The Ditto Mic Looper records in 24-bit uncompressed, and uncompromised audio. It also has a pristine mic preamp and phantom power, meaning you can pick and choose between your favourite microphones, and start looping with high quality audio. 

The Ditto Mic Looper is a great tool for vocalists and acoustic players. It allows you to create entire choirs with your voice or huge brass bands with just your trumpet. The simple design and functionality of the Mic Looper means that when inspiration strikes, you only have to do what comes naturally.

The main features of the TC Electronic Ditto Mic Looper Vocal Looper Pedal include:

  • 24-bit uncompressed audio
  • 5 minutes of looping
  • Unlimited overdubs
  • Undo / Redo function
  • Automatic Gain Adjustment
  • Instant one-tap Stop feature
  • Selectable overdub modes
  • Noise-free erase
  • Balanced XLR in- and outputs
  • Connects transparently between your Mic and PA
  • LED-indicator shows Play/Rec status
  • Latest loop and overdubs stored between power-ups
  • On-board mic pre-amp with phantom power (24V) for both dynamic and condenser microphones
  • Mic Control for remote one button looping with the optional TC-Helicon MP-75 microphone
  • USB connects to VoiceSupport for simple firmware updates
  • Compact, easy to use
  • Rugged all-metal construction
  • Includes 12V DC Power Supply


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