Tanglewood TWU PE | Elektro-akustična kitara

259,00 € MPC: 359,72 € (-28%)
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Poznan, odziven, eleganten. Ta Tanglewood TWU PE je v celoti izdelan iz mahagonija. S trdnim zgornjim delom in robustnim ohišjem imate vse tisto čudovito tonsko karizmo, po kateri je poznan mahagonij, in veliko zanesljivosti. Izkoristite prednosti trdne strehe, ki bo zvenela še bolje, ko boste več igrali. Medtem ko je robustno ohišje iz mahagonija popolno za vsakodnevne zastoje in življenje na poti. Ne glede na vaš stil je preprosto prebuditi kup čustev s TWU PE Union. Zato poiščite navdih in odkrijte množico zvočnih možnosti, ki jih prinaša zgradba iz mahagonija. In z dolgo, bogato dediščino v akustični zgodovini, boste zagotovo povezali čudovit ton tudi z bolj starinskimi posnetki. Čas je za pravo izražanje.

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Classic old-school warmth

And it gets richer with age. Tasty. We've all heard that scintillating acoustic tone of blues, slide, roots music, story-telling folk, and deep, Southern Gothic goodness. That gorgeous sonic nature, it's produced by mahogany. A tonewood known for its warmth, resonance, distinctive punch, and dark, rich charm, strong mids with emphasised bass. A tonewood that ignites a shed-load of emotion. In your hands.


Familiar, responsive, classy. This Tanglewood TWU PE is crafted entirely from mahogany. Featuring a solid top and a sturdy body, you have all that delicious tonal charisma mahogany is known for, and plenty of reliability. Reap the benefit of a solid top that'll sound even better the more you play. While a sturdy mahogany body is perfect for day to day jams, and life on the go. No matter your style, it's easy to ignite a shed-load of emotion with the TWU PE Union. So get inspired, and discover the multitude of sonic possibilities that an all-mahogany build brings. And, with a long, rich heritage in acoustic history, you'll be certain to associate the wonderful tone with more vintage recordings too. It's time for true expression.

Authenticity continued...

Classic. This Tanglewood Union already holds an old-school, instantly recognisable tone. A charming tone associated with vintage acoustics. But Tanglewood took it to the next level. Pairing this iconic tonewood combo with an authentic, compact parlour body. It oozes tradition while its compact size brings immense comfort. Dig deep into creativity with ease, and expect to fly up and down the neck with one smooth, flowing movement. All courtesy of a sleek satin finish that puts restriction in the past. And pure playing comfort in your present. Plus, like all traditional parlour guitars, this Tanglewood TWU PE is superbly responsive to slide, roots music, bluesy riffs, country style, and delicate folk-inspired picking techniques too. Explore, create, unleash.

Take to the stage

Make it louder. Showcase your talents to family and friends, record at home, head to the stage. As this TWU PE Union is perfect for the job. It comes with Tanglewood's own TW-EX4 preamp for a natural performance. Where you, and your individuality, can really shine. Plus, with tone tweaking options there's plenty of room to shape your sound and deliver your persona with ease. Stage-ready with quality electronics, persona-igniting style, and renowned design. And, with a built-in chromatic tuner you'll always be pitch perfect with the TWU PE, acoustically or plugged-in.


  • Product: Tanglewood TWU PE Union Parlour Electro Acoustic, Natural
  • Code: TWU PE
  • Series: Union

Body & Bridge

  • Top Material: Solid Mahogany
  • Body Material: Mahogany
  • Body Type: Parlour
  • Bridge Material: Black Walnut
  • Body Finish: Satin
  • Colour: Natural
  • Rosette: Single Ring

Neck & Fingerboard

  • Neck Thickness at First Fret: 21 mm
  • Neck Finish: Satin
  • Fingerboard Material: Eboncore
  • Fingerboard Inlay: Dots
  • Scale Length: 650 mm
  • Nut Width: 43 mm

Hardware & Electronics

  • Hardware Colour: Chrome
  • Tuning Machines: ''Classic''
  • Strings: Phosphor Bronze 12-53 Gauge
  • Electronics: Tanglewood TW-EX4

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