Ssl 2 | 2-in / 2-out Usb Audio Interface

149,00 € MPC: 255,41 € (-42%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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USB Audio Interface, 2-in/2-out, with 2 Mic/Line/Instrument Preamps, 4K Legacy Mode, USB Bus Power, and Bundled Software - Mac/Win

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SSL 2 and SSL 2+ are more than just an audio interface, they are the centre of your new Solid State Logic studio. Class-leading mic preamps, Legacy 4K analogue enhancement, studio-quality monitoring and the incredible SSL Production Pack software bundle.  SSL have been designing cutting-edge mixing consoles and processing tools for the world's finest recording studios for over four decades. Now you get all that hit-making know-how in your own personal studio.


 2-In / 2-Out USB Audio Interface

• 2 x SSL-designed microphone preamps with unrivalled noise performance and gain range for a USB-powered device

• Legacy 4K - analogue colour enhancement for any input source, inspired by classic SSL consoles

• Professional, high-current grade headphone output, with plenty of power

• 24-bit / 192 kHz AD/DA AKM Converters - capture and hear all the detail of your creations

• Easy-to-use Monitor Mix Control for critical low-latency monitoring tasks

• Balanced monitor outputs, with stunning dynamic range

• USB 2.0, bus-powered audio interface for Mac/PC - no power supply required

Interface ships with the SSL Production Pack, a software bundle that contains the SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 and Drumstrip plugins (plus a 6-month trial of the other ones in the collection), Avid Pro Tools | First, Ableton Live Lite, NI Hybrid Keys and Komplete Start, and 1.5GB of samples from Loopcloud.

189,00 €
MPC: 213,92 € ( -12% ) Takoj na voljo
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189,00 €
MPC: 238,03 € ( -21% ) Dobavljivo čez 5-10 dni
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189,00 €
MPC: 219,00 € ( -14% ) Takoj na voljo
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185,00 €
MPC: 269,00 € ( -31% ) Takoj na voljo
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