Slate Digital ML-1 | Kondenzatorski mikrofon z veliko membrano za Slate Digital VMS

339,00 € MPC: 799,00 € (-58%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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Mikrofon Slate Digital ML-1 Matte Black je srce virtualnega mikrofonskega sistema. Ta mikrofon z veliko membrano ima pozlačeno 6-mikronsko kapsulo, nameščeno na šok, in najsodobnejšo pot vezja FET, ki zagotavlja linearen, raven in čist izhod za emulacijo. V kombinaciji s programsko opremo za modeliranje digitalnega cevnega mikrofona Slate lahko zveni kot nekateri najbolj redki in slavni mikrofoni v zgodovini snemanja. Programski paket vključuje emulacije klasik Neumann/Telefunken U47, Neumann U67, Neumann M7, Sony 800, Telefunken/AKG C12, Telefunken Elam 251, od katerih se je vsaka zase zapisala v zgodovino snemanja in je bila uporabljena na neštetih posnetkih za vokale. , kitare, akustični inštrumenti, bobni itd. Medtem ko sam dobro ohranjen Neumann U47 hitro požre vse vaše prihranke, ponovna izdaja Telefunkena pa lebdi na podobnih višinah, vam mikrofon Slate Digital ML-1 Matte Black ponuja te vrhunske -vrhunski modeli za delček cene - na voljo s pritiskom na gumb in v preobleki popolnoma profesionalnega strojnega mikrofona. Poleg tega vam emulacije Neve 1073 in podobno priljubljenega Siemensa V76 omogočajo, da dodatno izboljšate svoj zvok in ga popolnoma pripravite za mešanje

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The Slate Digital ML-1 is at the heart of your VMS system, providing a gateway to a vast array of classic microphones. This ultra-linear, sonically neutral large-diaphragm condenser mic captures even the loudest sounds with clinical precision — the perfect blank canvas to use with Slate Digital's microphone emulations. Beyond that, the ML-1 accurately reproduces the proximity effect of a vintage large-diaphragm condenser in cardioid mode. When combined with a Slate Digital VMS-One mic preamp or VRS8 audio interface, and their incredible VMS software, the ML-1 supplies you with unprecedented sonic flexibility.

Tailor-made for Slate's Virtual Microphone System

The ML-1 is a perfect match for Slate's Virtual Microphone System. Whether you use it with Slate's VRS8 audio interface or your own clean-sounding preamp, this mic delivers a coloration-free signal. And when you combine it with the included VMS microphone/preamp modeling software, it gives you a staggering selection of microphone models ranging from coveted tube classics (the FG-47 and FG-251) to a modern ultra-fidelity condenser (the FG-800).

Slate Digital VMS is your virtual high-end mic locker

What would you pay for a locker full of coveted, mint-condition vintage microphones and high-end modern classics? While you're calculating that, we'd like to tell you about an alluring alternative. The Slate Digital VMS Virtual Microphone System includes a super-transparent microphone and Slate's impressive VMS microphone/preamp modeling software. Combine it with your favorite neutral-sounding preamp, and it gives you a world-class virtual mic locker at an amazing price. Everyone is excited about Slate Digital VMS. Use it on your next project, and you will be too.

Included Microphones:

  • FG-47
  • FG-M7
  • FG-800
  • FG-251
  • FG-800M
  • FG-269
  • FG-12
  • FG-67


  • Ultra-linear, sonically neutral large-diaphragm condenser microphone
  • Combine it with the included VMS mic/preamp modeling software for unlimited sonic options
  • Accurately reproduces the proximity effect of a vintage large-diaphragm condenser in cardioid mode
  • Gives you more control over your recorded sounds during mixdown
  • Supplies you with unprecedented sonic flexibility


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