Rode X XCM-50 | Professional Condenser USB-C Microphone

59,00 € MPC: 191,00 € (-69%)
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USB kondenzatorski mikrofon, optimiziran za pretakalce in igralce odlične prenosne lastnosti, prilagojene glasu Plug & Play za Mac in PC priključek za slušalke z nadzorom glasnosti učinkovita integrirana zaščita pred udarci mikrofon se vrti v držalu profesionalna kakovost zvoka zaradi visokokakovostne kapsule, tihega predojačevalnika Revolution in natančne digitalne pretvorbe s 48kHz/24bit zelo dobro obdelan in zato posebej trpežen

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The Rode XCM-50 is a compact USB-C condenser microphone featuring built-in advanced DSP capabilities and designed to provide detailed speech and voice reproduction for streamers and gamers in search of professional-quality sound and easy plug-and-play operation. The mic features a yoke mount for easy attachment to a boom arm or mic stand. The mount's 360° swivel action makes it easy to place the mic in optimal position for game play and broadcasting. In addition, a tripod stand is included for tabletop use.

A zero-latency 3.5mm headphone jack with volume control and mute button allows you to monitor your audio in real time, so you can hear exactly what the mic capsule is picking up, and a headphone extension cable is provided to give you ample room to move while you're podcasting or crushing it in your favorite game. The condenser mic capsule is powered via the USB bus and features a cardioid polar pattern that focuses audio capture on the subject in front of the microphone, picking up less unwanted sound from the back and sides. The mic offers 24-bit / 48 kHz analog to digital conversion and Rode's free UNIFY software allows you to unlock additional features of the mic's powerful internal DSP.

  • Professional condenser USB-C microphone
  • Complete audio solution for streaming and gaming with included UNIFY software
  • Highly detailed audio capture optimized for voice applications
  • Tight cardioid polar pattern reduces pick up of unwanted off-axis sound
  • Zero-latency headphone output with level control and mute button
  • Internal DSP for advanced audio processing
  • Plug-and-play USB-C connectivity with 24-bit, 48 kHz analog-to-digital conversion
  • Integrated 360-degree swing mount
  • Desktop tripod included
UNIFY Software
  • Virtual audio mixing solution for streamers and gamers
  • Connect and control multiple sound sources, including microphones, chat audio, game audio, music, and system audio
  • Intuitive interface with flexible routing and mixing capabilities
  • Advanced APHEX audio processing using the Rode X mic's internal DSP
  • Voice FX and multitrack recording


76,00 €
MPC: 93,00 € ( -18% ) Takoj na voljo
dodaj v košarico
69,00 €
MPC: 179,00 € ( -61% ) Dobavljivo čez 5-10 dni
dodaj v košarico MEGA%

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