Rode Podmic | Kardioidni dinamični broadcast mikrofon z vgrajenim pop filtrom

98,00 € MPC: 157,38 € (-38%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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PodMic je dinamičen mikrofon in veliko manj občutljiv kot kondenzatorski mikrofon. Zaradi tega je idealen za studie in govorne prostore, ki se morajo soočiti s hrupom iz okolice in/ali neugodno akustiko prostora. Mikrofon je prilagojen prenosu govora in je bogat z detajli, poln in uravnotežen zvok. Vedno ga je prijetno poslušati - tako ob umirjenem recitiranju pesmi kot tudi ob vznemirljivih športnih poročilih. Dvoslojna košara zvočnika iz nerjavečega jekla in tkanina nad kapsulo učinkovito preprečujeta eksplozivne soglasnike in sikajoče zvoke, ne da bi pri tem zmanjšali preglednost - uporaba zunanjega pop filtra zato ni več potrebna. Robustno ohišje je izdelano iz trdne medenine in ima keramično prevleko, odporno na praske, zato je tudi leta kasneje še vedno videti kakovostno.

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A Broadcast-grade Mic for Podcasters

Searching for a broadcast-grade mic for podcasting? Rode’s PodMic delivers the silky, pro quality you demand. Whether your podcast requires raucous screaming or something more intimate, the PodMic will tackle it with ease, delivering a balanced, easy-to-listen-to sound that’s guaranteed to elevate your presentation. Enjoy plosive-free performance, thanks to an integrated pop shield. Benefit from durable, all-metal construction. If you want to capture top-notch vocals, you need a top-notch podcasting mic like the Rode PodMic.

Plosive-free performance

The PodMic’s end-fire dynamic capsule is protected by a stainless-steel mesh grill and integrated pop shield. So, get right up close — the PodMic will deliver an intimate made-for-radio sound without any annoying pops.

Robust, all-metal construction

Thanks to its durable, all-metal construction, the Rode PodMic can really take a licking. Beyond that, its rugged swing-arm mounting allows you to attach a boom arm for added convenience and flexibility. We appreciate the PodMic’s robust, versatile design.

Tailor-made for the RODECaster Pro

You can use the PodMic with any preamp or interface, but it really shines when you combine it with Rode’s RODECaster Pro podcast production console. Just select “PodMic” on the RODECaster’s touchscreen, and the console will automatically apply the right settings to deliver the best sound possible — it’s that easy!


  • Broadcast-grade mic for podcasters
  • Tackles everything from raucous screaming to intimate reading
  • Built-in pop shield minimizes unwanted plosives
  • Robust, all-metal construction and rugged swing-arm mounting
  • Integration with RODECaster Pro podcast production console

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V primeru, da odstopite od nakupa, ima Audio Pro d.o.o. pravico izterjave sredstev od kupca (po potrebi tudi po sodni poti).

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