Rode Ixy Lightning | Stereo Michrophone For Apple Ios Devices

79,00 € MPC: 236,25 € (-67%)
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Rode iXY Lightning mikrofon za naprave iOS je profesionalni stereo vtični mikrofon za iPhone 5, iPhone 5s in iPhone 5c. iXY Lightning je tako eleganten kot neopazen in ga je enostavno priključiti na iPhone 5 z zamahom zapestja z uporabo vgrajene montažne objemke, odporne proti bombam, ki ga spremeni v popolnoma zmogljiv stereo snemalnik. Zagotavlja prvovrsten zvočni signal z nizko stopnjo hrupa s širokim frekvenčnim razponom od 20 Hz do 20 kHz. Posneti signal lahko spremljate in nadzirate preko priključenih slušalk. Kot stereo mikrofon je iXY vnaprej določen za vse vrste glasbenih nastopov, snemanje narave, kot je šumenje dreves in lomljenje oceanskih valov ali na nogometnem stadionu ali na avtomobilskih dirkah. Še nikoli ni bilo lažje posneti uličnega izvajalca ali ansambel v odlični kakovosti zvoka. Seveda bodo tudi glasbeniki lahko cenili udobje hitrega in enostavnega snemanja visokokakovostnih stereo posnetkov s svojim iPhoneom v vadbeni sobi. Dve majhni membranski kondenzatorski kapsuli profesionalnega razreda sta usmerjeni v XY orientacijo, kar zagotavlja prepričljivo, mono združljivo stereo zvočno sliko.

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The Rode iXY Lightning Microphone For iOS Devices is a professional Stereo plug-in microphone for the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. The iXY Lightning is as elegant as it is inconspicuous and is easily docked to the iPhone 5 with the flick of a wrist using the bomb proof integrated mounting clamp turning it into a fully fledged stereo recorder. It delivers a first-class, low-noise audio signal with a broad frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The recorded signal can be monitored and controlled via connected headphones. As a stereo microphone, the iXY is predestined for all kinds of musical performances, nature recordings such as the rustling of trees and breaking ocean waves or in a football stadium or at automobile races. It has never been easier to record a street performer or ensemble in excellent audio quality. Naturally musicians will also be able to appreciate the convenience of being able to quickly and easily record high-quality stereo demos with their iPhone in the practice room. Two small professional grade membrane condenser capsules are orientated in an XY orientation delivering a convincing, mono-compatible stereo soundimage.  
The iXY Lightning is also very interesting for hobby filmmakers. Rode's video microphones have been the industry standard for years, however the recording itself has always been constricted to the limits of the system - in that case the DSLR camera itself. With the practical Rode grip you can mount the iPhone 5 together with the iXY directly onto the hot shoe, perfectly in the middle of the camera ensuring for flawless original sound recordings, which later only have to be added in editing. With the Rode iXY lightning you get a stereo microphone with HiFi quality in a fully metal housing which not only meets Rode's standards for durability and longevity but also effectively protects against disturbing noise. A continuously adjustable input level control ensures that you'll get the perfect volume every time. Plus there is a highpass filter built into the iXY, which is easily controlled through the Rode Rec app. 

The main features of the Rode iXY Lightning Microphone For iOS Devices include:

  • Acoustic principle: pressure gradient transducer 
  • Capsules : 2x 1" 
  • Polar pattern: Cardiod 
  • Frequency Response: 20 Hz ~ 20 KHz 
  • Sensitivity : -34 dB re 1 V / No (19.7 MV @ 94 dB SPL ) ± 2 dB @ 1 kHz 
  • Internal noise: 17.0 dBA 
  • Max SPL: 139 dB
  • Signal to Noise Ratio: 77.0 dBA SPL
  • Output signal: digital, 16 Bit/48 kHz or 24 Bit/96 kHz 
  • Power supply: via iPhone
  • Connections : Apple Lightning Connector 
  • Dimensions : 30 x 40 x 50 mm 
  • Weight : 51 g 
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