Peterson Icable | 3.5mm Adaptor Cable For Mobile Devices

15,00 € MPC: 15,00 €
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This adaptor cable has been specifically designed to function with your mobile Apple or Android phone/tablet device.

Connect an instrument, microphone, or tuning pick-up with a 1/4” plug directly into your device using the headphone jack. Directly plug in your guitar or bass for tuning or use an external microphone to tune brass or wind instruments.

*Compatible with the lightning-to-audio adaptor cable from Apple.

Can be used with any application requiring an audio input. Will not interfere with charger connector.

iPod, iPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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V primeru, da odstopite od nakupa, ima Audio Pro d.o.o. pravico izterjave sredstev od kupca (po potrebi tudi po sodni poti).

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