Peavey PV10 BT | 10-kanalna mešalna miza, Bluetooth

369,00 € MPC: 475,81 € (-22%)
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Mešalna miza PV 6 BT, opremljena z mikrofonskimi predojačevalci referenčne kakovosti Peavey, ki dosegajo neverjetnih 0,0007 % THD, je odlična za uporabo v živo ali snemanje. Mešalna miza PV 6 BT vključuje 2 kanala mikrofonskih predojačevalnikov referenčne kakovosti, 2 neposredna izhoda za snemanje, stereo vhodni kanal in namenski medijski kanal ter brezžični vhod Bluetooth® in visokokakovostne digitalne učinke. Druge funkcije vključujejo 48-voltno fantomsko napajanje, dvojne izbirne izhode za nadzorno sobo, vgrajen stereo kompresor, vgrajeni visokoimpedančni predojačevalnik, ki je nastavljiv za kitaro, 3-pasovni EQ na kanal z bypassom, indikatorje signala/posnetka in stereo master LED merilni most. Funkcije, kot je Bluetooth®, omogočajo brezhibno povezavo s skoraj vsako "pametno" napravo. Neposredni izhodi na mikrofonskih kanalih omogočajo enostavno povezavo z večino vmesnikov DAW za snemanje. Poleg tega lahko mešalna miza PV 6 BT pretaka stereo mešanico neposredno v in iz računalnika prek USB-ja. Stikalo USB za nadzorno sobo omogoča neposredno spremljanje pri snemanju z DAW, kot je priložena programska oprema REAPER. Ti mešalniki imajo tudi stojalo za tablico za pametno napravo za priročen prikaz in enostavno upravljanje.

1 ocena

Janez Gomboc 03.10.2022.

Odličen mikser, robusten, dinamičen, enostaven, odziven, brez šuma in pačenja. Vrhunski efekti, bluetooth in USB player delata brez problemov KOSMOS poleg Eq odpre neverjetne frekvence posnetkov in instrumentov. Priporočam.

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Introducing the next level in world-class non-powered mixer performance. The all new PV® series mixing consoles include Peavey's reference-quality mic preamps that spec in at an incredible 0.0007% THD, making the PV series mixers excellent for live or recording applications.

The PV 10 BT includes 4 channels of reference quality mic preamps, 4 direct outputs for recording, a stereo channel, media channel with Bluetooth® wireless input, high quality digital effects with LCD display, streaming USB out, MP3 playback via USB A input, Peavey's exclusive Kosmos® audio enhancement, 48-volt phantom power, dual selectable control room outputs, 2 channels of compression, one channel of on board selectable guitar preamp, 3-band EQ per channel with bypass, channel mute buttons, aux send, signal clip indicators, and a stereo master LED meter bridge. This amazingly versatile mixer is at home both in the studio as well as live applications.

Modern features such as Bluetooth allow seamless connection to almost any "smart" device. 4 direct outs allow easy connection to most DAW interfaces for recording. In addition, the PV 10 BT can stream audio directly to a PC. MP3 playback is also available, just plug a flash drive with MP3 files on it into the USB A port and use the LCD to select and play back music. The PV series Solo feature allows the user to listen to individual channels via headphone or control room outputs, and the EQ bypass allows the user to hear and compare the EQ'd signal to the original signal with the push of a button. 2 channels of compression keep signals with difficult levels under control, and Peavey's exclusive guitar shape adjusts the EQ and preamp specifically for guitar. Hi pass filters on every channel remove unwanted rumble and noise, and balanced AUX and Master outputs ensure a clean noise-free signal to your powered speakers or power amplifier.



New rugged, slim, low-profile console design
Convenient tablet cradle
4 combination XLR/1/4" low noise mic preamps
Selectable Hi Pass Filter on first 4 inputs
3-band EQ on all channels
4 channels of Peavey's exclusive MidMorph® EQ
EQ bypass per channel
2 channels of built-in compression
Individual channel mutes
Individual Listen/Solo function
LED clip and signal present indication
4 Channels of direct out
Stereo pan control per channel
Channel 5/6 stereo 1/4", RCA, or 3.5mm input channel
Dual selectable control room outputs
One pre-fader AUX send
KOSMOS® bass and treble enhancement
Main stereo outputs with 1/4" unbalanced and balanced XLR connectors
Precision 60 mm faders on master
High quality master LED meter bridge
Master mic mute
Studio quality headphone output
Equipped with Bluetooth wireless connectivity, Bluetooth 3.0 + EDR, A2DP
On-board USB-A MP3 and WAV playback
Stereo USB-B streaming audio in and out, 16-bit, up to 48kHz sample rates
Built-in Digital Effects with LCD Display
Peavey's exclusive on-board Hi Z guitar input
Global 48V phantom power


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