Ortofon Stylus Dj S | Dj S Replacement Stylus

45,00 € MPC: 56,16 € (-20%)
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DJ S Replacement stylus

DJ S is a solid-built cartridge in a blue nylon material. It has a fine spherical stylus and a special developed and extremely balanced cantilever that provides outstanding rigidity.

Not only does the cartridge have a most sufficient tracking ability, it is also nearly unbreakable and provides the DJs with the most needed stringency. Furthermore, it equals very low record wear, an advantage for busy DJ. The DJ series has been known to many as the "jack of all trades," with improved tracking, alongside of accurate sound reproduction. Featuring a low wear stylus design, the DJ provides excellent groove handling, even with less weight applied. 

The DJ series of cartridges are great for any style of music, and has been a favored choice of DJs around the world!

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V primeru, da odstopite od nakupa, ima Audio Pro d.o.o. pravico izterjave sredstev od kupca (po potrebi tudi po sodni poti).

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