Orange Amps Ppc412 | Guitar Amplifier Speaker Cabinet

1.159,00 € MPC: 1.264,29 € (-8%)
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The Orange PPC412 guitar amplifier speaker cabinet is built to last and comes factory fitted with four Celestion Vintage 30 speakers, flush mounted carrying handles and Orange's own legendary basket-weave grill cloth.

The Orange PPC412 is built from 13 ply high density Baltic Birch plywood and features bespoke designed anti-skid feet. The anti-skid feet help acoustically couple the cab to the floor it's placed on, providing a much tighter bass response and increased definition.

The main features of the Orange PPC412 guitar amplifier speaker cabinet include:

  • 4x 12 inch Celestion Vintage 30
  • 240 watt power handling
  • 16 ohm impendance
  • 2x parallel 1/4" jack inputs
  • 13 ply 18mm Baltic Birch plywood shell
  • Basket weave drill cloth

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