Lewitt LCT 140 Air Stereo Pair | Kondenzatorski mikrofon z majhno membrano za instrumente, stereo par

245,00 € MPC: 299,00 € (-18%)
Takoj na voljo Na zalogi v: Ljubljana, Krško
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708 / 5.000 Rezultati prevajanja Rezultat prevoda Lewitt LCT 140 Air (stereo par) je usklajen par inštrumentalnih kondenzatorskih mikrofonov, ki nudi profesionalno snemanje za instrumente vseh vrst. Integriran, preklopljiv EQ z 2-kratnimi položaji (Air/Flat za povečanje visokih tonov in linearni odziv) je mogoče uporabiti po potrebi, medtem ko sta na voljo tudi blazinica za znižanje "vročih" signalov in Low-Cut filter za neželene nizkofrekvenčne šume. Zaradi odličnega prehodnega odziva LCT 140 Air je prava prednost v studiu, saj je visoka jasnost zvoka ključni dejavnik pri snemanju kitare, bobnov, godal ali drugih akustičnih instrumentov. Aluminijasto ohišje je tudi robustno in lahko kot peresce - celo težko pozicioniranje postane lahka naloga.

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Capture instruments and room sounds with natural realism or mix-ready presence using the Lewitt LCT 140 AIR Stereo Pair, a matched pair of LCT 140 AIR small-diaphragm condenser microphones. Each mic provides a switchable sonic signature via two frequency curve settings—Flat maintains a linear response for true-to-source accuracy, while Air imparts a high-frequency lift to enhance clarity and polish. Additionally, an 80 Hz low-cut filter is provided to help control bass buildup.

Thanks to the 0.7" cardioid capsules, the LCT 140 AIR delivers immediate transient response and smooth sound reproduction for an array of sources such as acoustic instruments and choirs. The -12 dB pad can be engaged to prevent distortion when miking especially loud instruments. The microphone, which features a lightweight aluminum body with a gold-plated XLR 3-pin output connector, requires standard 48 VDC phantom power. The LCT 140 AIR Stereo Pair comes with two mic clips, two windscreens, and a cushioned bag with two pockets.

  • Precisely Matched Stereo Pair
  • For Detailed Instrument Recordings
  • Small-Diaphragm Condenser Capsule
  • Cardioid Polar Pattern
  • Air Setting for Presence Lift
  • -12 dB Pad and 80 Hz Low-Cut Filter
  • 48V Phantom Powered
  • Gold-Plated XLR 3-Pin Connector
  • Lightweight Aluminum Housing
  • Includes Mic Clips and Windscreens

Switchable Sound Characteristics

The LCT 140 AIR has two sound characteristics, Air and Flat. Air delivers an open, sparkling character that's optimized for getting a great sound without spending time on postproduction. The Flat setting provides a linear frequency response for realistic, "as-it-is" reproduction of drums, strings, acoustic guitars, and choirs.

Precise Stereo Matching

Lewitt uses an extremely precise matching process to ensure no audible difference between the two mics of a stereo pair. The frequency response and sensitivity of every single microphone is measured. A measurement system controls the polarization voltage of the capsule to adjust the sensitivity, so it is the same for all LCT 140 AIR. Then, an algorithm compares the measured frequency response of each microphone and finds the perfect pairs.

Excellent Transient Response and Flexibility

Transients are the DNA of your instrument's sound. To retain the natural musicality of your instruments, the LCT 140 AIR delivers an excellent transient response. To be prepared for all eventualities, the LCT 140 AIR has an 80 Hz low-cut filter and a -12 dB pad. You won't break a sweat with loud sources, nor will you have to deal with low-frequency noise when you don't want to.

Durable and Lightweight Aluminum Housing

The LCT 140 AIR is very durable yet lightweight thanks to its CNC-machined aluminum housing. Positioning and setup become easy tasks.

Complete Stereo Pair

The LCT 140 AIR Stereo Pair comes with two snap-in mic clips, a transport bag with two pockets, and two windscreens.


317,00 €
MPC: 377,38 € ( -16% ) Dobavljivo čez 5-10 dni
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