Lewitt Dgt 650 | Usb Stereo Microphone

259,00 € MPC: 519,15 € (-50%)
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Lewitt DGT 650 je rešitev za stereo USB snemanje in vmesnik za PC, Mac in iOS naprave v enem. Ima 4x snemalne načine; stereo način XY za stereo snemanje v živo; Kardioidni način za vokalne posnetke in podobne aplikacije. V načinu pevca/tekstopisca sta akustični in linijski vir - kot sta vokal in kitara - posneta na ločenih skladbah. Stereo linijski način je za zajem stereo linijskega signala, kot je stereo izhod sintetizatorja ali mešalne mize. Poleg tega je MIDI na voljo v vseh 4x načinih. 24-bit/96 kHz, dinamični razpon 110 dB, 2-stopenjsko predhodno dušenje in visokoprepustni filter postavljajo temelje za najboljše možne posnetke. Asinhroni prenos USB, podpora za OS X Core Audio in ASIO za Windows, možnost preklopa med neposredno zakasnitvijo brez zakasnitve in spremljanjem vrnitve traku z minimalno zakasnitvijo skupaj z vgrajenim visokoimpedančnim ojačevalnikom za studijske slušalke. Vse te funkcije v eni napravi odpirajo široko paleto možnih aplikacij: snemanje vokalov, inštrumentov in nastopov v živo, kamorkoli greste, stereo mikrofoniranje, terensko snemanje, podcasti in produkcija YouTube, če naštejemo pogled. Skratka, DGT 650 je bolj podoben mobilnemu snemalnemu studiu kot le mikrofonu USB.

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The Lewitt DGT 650 is a stereo USB recording solution and interface for PC, Mac and iOS devices in one single package. It features four recording modes: XY Stereo, Vocal & Instruments mode (cardioid pattern), Singer-Songwriter mode combines an acoustic and a line source – like vocals and guitar – recorded on separate tracks and Stereo Line In mode (for capturing a stereo line signal like a synthesizer or a mixing board's stereo output). MIDI input is also available in all four modes. The DGT 650 features 24 bit / 96 kHz, 110 dB dynamic range, and two-step pre-attenuation and low-cut filtering. With asynchronous USB transfer, support for OS X Core Audio and ASIO for Windows, the option to crossfade between zero-latency direct and minimum-latency tape return monitoring and a built-in high impedance amplifier for studio headphones in one single device, you will be equipped to handle a wide range of possible applications: recording vocals, instruments and live acts wherever you go, stereo miking, field recording, podcasts, YouTube productions, you name it. The DGT 650 is your mobile recording studio – take it everywhere!

Four Recording Modes

  • Stereo: 90-degree XY stereophony
  • Vocal & Instruments: cardioid polar pattern
  • Singer / Songwriter: cardioid polar pattern & Hi-Z mono line-in
  • Stereo line in

All modes feature MIDI input.

Vocal recording

Unmatched quality - anyplace, anytime Pure condenser sound captures your voice in studio quality. Perfect for traditional vocal recording, voiceovers, podcasts, streaming, you name it.

Professional mobile guitar recording

The breakout box features a dedicated Hi-Z instrument input that enables you to connect your guitar or bass guitar directly to your DGT 650. Record your licks wherever you are.

Zero-latency monitoring

Professional recording demands proper monitoring functionality. Blend between zero-latency direct- and playback monitoring. This is essential to achieve the best possible performance using your mobile device.

Breakout Box

The Breakout Box is designed to the streamline the cable layout. All cables can be connected in one place to avoid unwanted structure-born noise and keep your desk tidy.

  • Hi-Z stereo line in 6.3 mm (1/4-inch)
  • 3.5 mm headphone out
  • Data connection (iOS, USB)
  • 5-pin DIN MIDI input

Powerful headphone amp

Never run out of headroom with the powerful 180 mW headphone amp, you can easily drive any set of studio headphones so that you will hear every signal loud and clear during production.

Singer-Songwriter mode

The DGT 650 is the perfect companion for the professional singer songwriter who wants to record vocals and instrument at once, but on separate tracks. The flash of inspiration can hit you anywhere- capture your ideas in the moment they come!

MIDI input

Use your MIDI device to control your favorite software synthesizers and drum machines. Start composing – and keep your beat.


  • 24-bit/96 kHz high-end AD/DA converter
  • 110 dB dynamic range
  • 135 dB SPL max
  • Super-low-noise pre-amps
  • Hi-Z instrument input
  • MIDI input
  • Powerful built-in headphone amp
  • 3 low-cut and attenuation settings
  • Asynchronous USB transfer
  • Built-in Li-Ion battery for >3h recording
  • Micro USB charging port
322,00 €
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319,00 €
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