The 223 is an audio processing powerhouse in a deceptively small package. Its versatile DSP-based design is user programmable to serve multiple broadcast applications - NRSC, AM, FM, SCA, TIS.
The 223´s parametric equalizer offers continuous control over the audio signal's frequency content with 3 bands of dynamic compression and selectable crossovers.
The unit addresses the needs of NRSC-compliant AM broadcasting with a range of cutoff frequencies, TIS (Traveler’s Information Service) advisories, monaural LPFM transmission, and analog SCA subcarriers. A full-range ‘Studio’ mode satisfies mic processing and general production needs.
The INOmini 223 features gated and windowed gain-riding AGC, 3 bands of adjustable dynamic range compression with selectable crossovers and variable EQ, and tight ‘lookahead’ peak control. Pre-emphasis, with its own protection limiting, and overshootcontrolled output filtering are individually and specifically tailored to the service selected.
Ideal for: US/NRSC AM, Worldwide AM, Shortwave, US/Euro Monaural FM, TIS, and analog SCA
Easy menu / jog-wheel setup from the front panel
Performs AGC, 3-Band Compression, Peak Control, and Output Filtering specific to the selected application
User-adjustable compression, EQ, limiting, and program density
DSP ‘lookahead’ limiting offers tight peak control without clipping
USB connector enables fast firmware updates in the field
Headphone jack