Golden Age Project Comp 3a | Vintage Style Compressor

485,00 € MPC: 544,94 € (-11%)
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1-kanalni polprevodniški elektro-optični kompresor s programsko odvisnimi časi napada in sprostitve, XLR in TRS I/O ter zunanjim napajalnikom. Originalni LA-3A Audio Leveler je debitiral leta 1969 in je takoj postal hit. Studijskim inženirjem je bil polprevodniški elektrooptični kompresor polprevodniškega prostora všeč zaradi močnega dinamičnega nadzora, ki ga je zagotavljal pri električnem basu, kitarah in skoraj vseh drugih virih. Vemo, da si ga želite, in imamo dobro novico: Golden Age Comp-3A poustvari vezje, zvok, obnašanje in obliko klasičnega - in je čudovito dostopen. Vezje v starinskem slogu ne uporablja IC. V/I je transformatorsko uravnotežen. In zvok? Toplo in okusno glasbeno. Privoščite si klasično kompresijo z Golden Age Comp-3A.

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1-channel Solid-state Electro-optical Compressor with Program-dependent Attack and Release Times, XLR and TRS I/O, and External Power Supply.

The original LA-3A Audio Leveler made its debut in 1969 and was an instant hit. Studio engineers loved the half-rackspace solid-state electro-optical compressor for the punchy dynamic control it delivered on electric bass, guitars, and just about any other source. We know you want one, and we have good news: the Golden Age Comp-3A re-creates the circuitry, sonics, behavior, and form factor of the classic - and it's delightfully affordable. The vintage-style circuit uses no ICs. The I/O is transformer balanced. And the sound? Warm and deliciously musical. Treat yourself to classic compression, with the Golden Age Comp-3A.

Golden Age Comp-3A Compressor Features:

  • Vintage-style circuitry with no integrated circuits
  • Transformer-balanced I/O
  • Capable of driving most balanced or unbalanced loads
  • Internal jumper for selectable output-transformer loading
    • Lets you vary high-frequency response


  • Employs classic T4-style electro-optical attenuator for gain control
  • Program-dependent attack and release times
  • Easy 2-control operation: Gain, Peak Reduction
  • HF control increases sidechain circuit sensitivity to mid- and high-frequency content
  • Large meter selectable between gain reduction and output level at 2 reference levels
  • Hardwired bypass switch for 1-touch in/out comparison
  • XLR and TRS I/O for flexible connectivity
  • Link switch and jack for stereo operation with another Comp-3A
  • External power supply (no interaction with audio circuitry)
  • Classic sound, ideal for most sources and music styles
  • Rugged build quality will provide many years of service
  • Compact, 2RU half-rackspace chassis

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