Eventide H9000 | Rackmount Multi-effects Processor With Front-panel Control

7.999,00 € MPC: 10.368,78 € (-23%)
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Eventide je v zgodnjih 1980-ih tako rekoč izumil rackmount multi-effect procesor in vse od takrat nadzoruje visoko raven. Zdaj vodilni model podjetja H9000 predstavlja dokončni evolucijski vrhunec te vrste. Plod večletnega razvojnega programa, H9000 izkorišča najnovejši napredek v tehnologiji in se ponaša z osupljivo močjo obdelave signalov 16 DSP motorjev, ki jih poganjajo štirje štirijedrni procesorji ARM. Obstaja ogromen arzenal vgrajenih učinkov in vsi zvenijo čudovito. Potopite svoje občinstvo v dih jemajoče odmeve prostorskega zvoka, nedotaknjene in tridimenzionalne. Odpihnite jih z osupljivimi učinki, kot so lesketanje, časovno premešanje, pasovni zamik in vokodiranje. Ker je opremljen z večkanalno obdelavo, obsežnim V/I in izbirno omrežno povezljivostjo, je jasno, da je H9000 še en visokokategornik Eventide. Preizkusili smo vse vroče procesorje z več učinki za namestitev v stojalo in Eventide H9000 nas je navdušil. Mislimo, da boste tudi vi!

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Rackmount Multi-effects Processor with Front-panel Controls, 4 Quad-core ARM Processors, 16 DSP Engines, 8 Channels of Analog I/O, and 16-channel Bidirectional USB

Eventide's Flagship Multi-effects Processor

Eventide virtually invented the rackmount multi-effects processor in the early 1980s and has controlled the high ground ever since. Now, the company's flagship H9000 represents the definitive evolutionary pinnacle of the species. The fruition of a multi-year development program, the H9000 leverages the latest advances in technology, boasting the staggering signal processing power of 16 DSP engines powered by four quad-core ARM processors. There's a massive arsenal of onboard effects, and they all sound amazing. Immerse your audience in breathtaking surround sound reverbs, pristine and three-dimensional. Blow them away with jaw-dropping effects like shimmer, timescramble, band delay, and vocoding. Loaded with multichannel processing, extensive I/O, and optional network connectivity, it's clear that the H9000 is another big-league heavyweight from Eventide. We've put all the hot rackmount multi-effects processors to the test, and we're blown away by the Eventide H9000. We think you will be too!

Flexibility for modern workflows

The H9000 is Eventide's flagship product, designed for deployment in high-end recording, mastering, and post-production studios. With eight channels of analog audio I/O, plus AES/EBU, ADAT, and USB supporting 16 bidirectional audio channels, the H9000 is completely flexible, allowing you to easily integrate it into modern DAW-based workflows. For multi-room facilities, it even offers the option of connecting to industry-standard IP-based networks such as MADI, Dante, and Ravenna.

Multichannel processing for stunning surround

Multichannel processing makes the H9000 eminently suitable for use in world-class post-production facilities, where effects can be simultaneously and individually processed and routed to front left or right, center, surround, or LFE channels. With surround sound reverb, you can create immersive environments that can bring a motion picture scene to life.

FX Chains and remote app

The H9000's FX Chains feature allows you to connect any set of four effects with flexible routing. You can create an FX Chain to act, for instance, as a voice channel, a modular synthesizer with effects, or even a guitar pedalboard. If you're working in-the-box or over an audio network, the H9000’s remote control application, emote, is available as a standalone app for Mac and PC, and as an AU, VST, and Pro Tools plug-in.

Eventide: pioneering digital effects for over four decades

In the 1970s, Eventide put digital effects on the map with their groundbreaking Digital Delay and Harmonizer units. In the early '80s came the first rackmount multi-effects processor, the SP2016. Every studio worth its salt had to have one for its reverbs alone, much less for the other one-of-a-kind effects on tap. The SP2016’s successor, the H3000, introduced a cornucopia of new effects and was the must-have rackmount processor of the '90s. The H4000 and H8000 followed, introducing the concept of surround sound reverb. Now the H9000 takes the baton as Eventide's flagship. A new chapter in multi-effects history begins.


  • Front-panel controls
  • 8 channels of Analog I/O
  • 2 XLR analog inputs; 2 XLR analog outputs
  • 4 USB 2.0 ports
  • 1 USB Type B port, carrying 16 channels of bidirectional audio
  • 1 Ethernet port
  • 2 x 1/4" Expression Pedal jack
  • 2 x 1/4" Relay jacks
  • MIDI in, out, and thru
  • Word clock I/O
  • ADAT optical I/O
  • S/PDIF I/O
  • 3 Expansion I/O slots (for optional DANTE, MADI, and AVB cards)


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