Electro Voice Nd96 | Dynamic Supercardioid Vocal Microphone

179,00 € MPC: 266,20 € (-33%)
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Za vokalista preprosto ni tekmovanja s kitaro ali kompletom bobnov na glasnem odru. Torej, ko potrebujete največji dobiček pred povratno informacijo, zaupajte svoj zvok Electro-Voice ND96. Ta osupljivi dinamični mikrofon z ravnim vrhom postavi več "vas" v vaš odrski monitor, tako da lahko bolje nastopate, in daje vašemu zvočnemu inženirju bolj vroč signal, da potisne vaš vokal v zadnjo vrsto. ND96 vključuje stikalo za prisotnost, ki izloči blato, ko pojete nizko, nato pa vam omogoča, da ga prinesete nazaj, ko se pripnete. Ta preprosta funkcija vas postavi v pilotski sedež vašega lastnega zvoka. Tako kot drugi vokalni mikrofoni serije ND ima tudi ND96 sodobno krivuljo izenačevalnika z živahnimi podrobnostmi visokega razreda, ki vam pomaga, da zvenite kar najbolje iz katerega koli odra. Prepričani smo, da bodo izvajalci in zvočni profesionalci zadovoljni z rešetko Memraflex ND96, ki preprečuje vremenske vplive, in notranjim nosilcem, ki odbija hrup.

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Supercardioid Dynamic Microphone with Large-diaphragm Capsule, Internal Shockmount, Memraflex Grille, and Presence Switch

For a vocalist, there's just no competing with a guitar stack or a drum kit on a loud stage. So when you need maximum gain before feedback, trust your sound to the Electro-Voice ND96. This striking flat-top dynamic mic puts more "you" in your stage monitor so you can perform better and gives your sound engineer a hotter signal to push your vocals to the back row. The ND96 includes a Presence switch to cut out mud when you're singing low, and then lets you bring it back in when you're belting. This simple feature puts you in the pilot seat of your own sound. And like other ND-series vocal mics, the ND96 has a modern EQ curve with vivid high-end detail to help you sound your best from any stage. We are sure that performers and sound professionals alike will be pleased with the ND96's drop-weathering Memraflex grille and noise-rejecting internal shockmount.

The Electro-Voice ND series picks up where N/DYM left off

For years, EV's N/DYM series of live and studio dynamic microphones have been a beacon of hope to us low-enders and live-sounders. And now Electro-Voice promises to deliver even better performance with its EV ND collection. This line includes eight new vocal, drum, amp, and instrument mics to cover a wide range of stage and studio needs. Beneath the dent-resistant Memraflex grilles are redesigned large-diaphragm capsules with humbucking coils and internal shockmounts to capture a rich, musical sound with low noise - all on a budget. When you need dependable performance on a workingman's income, sound professionals encourage you to check out Electro-Voice ND microphones.

Electro-Voice ND96 Vocal Dynamic Microphone Features:

  • Designed for the loudest stages
  • Gives you maximum gain before feedback for better mixing and monitoring
  • Presence switch cuts mud and boosts treble to combat frequency-fighting passages
  • Supercardioid polar pattern rejects room noise and gives your voice laser focus
  • Large-diaphragm element is rich, lively, and detailed
  • Good for both male and female vocalists
  • Modern EQ curve demands less shaping at the board
  • High gain before feedback puts more of you in your ears
  • Humbucking coil resists EMF noise
  • Internal shockmount keeps stage rumble to a minimum
  • Memraflex grille keeps its shape



Audio Frequency Response 140 – 15,000
Case Material Die cast zinc
Connector Type 3-pin XLR
Diameter (Max) 50.5 mm (1.99")
Element Dynamic
Finish Black polyurethane paint
Impedance, Low-Z balanced 350 Ohm
Maximum SPL > 140 dB
Mic Type Handheld
Open Circuit Voltage 3.3 mV/Pascal
Polar Pattern Supercardioid
Power Requirement Passive
Shipping Weight 21.2 oz (601 g)
Wired/Wireless Wired
Height 170 mm (6.69")
Weight Net 11.39 oz (323 g)



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