Blackstar FS-10 | Foot Controller For Id: Tvp Series Amps

92,00 € MPC: 103,16 € (-11%)
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Zasnovan za delo z naslednjimi ojačevalniki: ID:15TVP, ID:30TVP, ID:60TVP, ID:60TVP-H, ID:260TVP in ID:100TVP FS-10 je večnamenski nožni krmilnik, ki omogoča dostop do vseh 128 obližev in funkcijo sprejemnika.

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Designed to work with the following amps: ID:15TVP, ID:30TVP, ID:60TVP, ID:60TVP-H, ID:260TVP and ID:100TVPThe FS-10 is a multi-function footcontroller that allows access to all 128 patches plus the tuner function. It operates in three modes:




Patch Mode – This mode allows you to switch between the three banks of four patches accessible on the front panel of the amp (patches 1-12) in addition to patches 13-128, plus access to the tuner function and the ability to change to the other modes.

Effects mode – This offers individual switching of the effects within a patch, operating more like traditional effects pedals. In this mode the fourth switch is used to control the tap time function. 8.

Navigation mode – Enables access to the complete set of 128 patches stored on the amp. These can be stepped through one at a time, or in banks. Whilst in this mode you can also store patches.


119,00 €
MPC: 139,00 € ( -14% ) Takoj na voljo
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