Arturia Keylab Essential 88 | MIDI master klaviatura, 88 tipk, USB

269,00 € MPC: 419,32 € (-36%)
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Arturia KeyLab Essential 88 je 88-notna USB krmilna klaviatura, ki močno razširi možnosti, ki so na voljo glasbeniku, z uporabo optimalnega hibridnega koncepta strojne in programske opreme. KeyLab Essential 88 združuje vse pomembne kontrole in funkcije, potrebne za nadzor številnih DAW: krmilnik je skladen z razredom USB in ima popoln nadzor Mackie/HUI. Pitch-Bend, Mod-Wheel, pads z osvetlitvijo od zadaj, nastavljivi gumbi, faderji, gumbi in transportni del olajšajo potek dela, na primer tako, da omogočajo snemanje brez miške in spreminjanje vzorcev bobnov. Praktična funkcija 1-Finger Chorus navdihuje nadaljnje glasbene ideje, medtem ko LCD zaslon zagotavlja informacije o najpomembnejših parametrih. Paket vse v enem Arturia KeyLab Essential 88 vključuje tudi profesionalni paket programske opreme za ustvarjalno glasbeno produkcijo, ki ga sestavljajo Analog Lab, UVI Model D in Ableton Live Lite.

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KeyLab Essential 88 is a super lightweight 88-note controller keyboard, ideally sized for your studio space, and comes with Arturia’s Analogue Lab virtual instrument included. Give life to your musical ideas, take control of your studio and perform the way you’ve always envisioned with the staggeringly powerful, innovative and intuitive 88 note MIDI Keyboard from French electronic instrument luminaries Arturia.

Full size, lightweight keys

With 8 pads, 9 rotaries, 9 faders and a vibrant and expressive keyboard with velocity sensitivty and aftertouch, it’s plain to see every facet of KeyLab Essential has been painstakingly designed and engineered to deliver the ultimate experience when performing and creating. From the highly responsive keys to the cleverly assigned knobs and faders, you can’t help but feel as though everything you touch on the KeyLab Essential 88 turns to gold.

KeyLab Essential makes traversing your recording software easier than ever before thanks to the dedicated DAW command centre, and makes browsing your presets an invigorating and most importantly, an inspirational experience.

KeyLab Essential 88’s full-sized piano keys have been designed to have a lightweight action to ensure fatigue on your fingers and wrist is never an issue. Connectivity wise, Arturia covered all bases here by including USB, MIDI out and sustain input connection options.

Ultimate control in your hands

KeyLab Essential is bursting at the seams with intelligent controls that enable you to make easy work of everyday tasks within your chosen recording software. Play your track, skip forwards and back, toggle your metronome and loop, record and punch in note as you go.

This brilliantly handy functionality makes sure your hands are kept on the controller, and importantly, that your mind is free from distraction, and focussed on the music. As well as offering ultimate control over Analogue Lab, KeyLab Essential is a universal MIDI controller, which means you’re free to use it with any third-party instruments or software.

If you’re new to music production, fear not, KeyLab Essential comes with Ableton Live Lite so you can start recording, editing and releasing your music to the world with one of the most highly regarded music platforms in the world.


KeyLab Essential is the direct result from years upon years of extensive research, with the direct aim of enhancing and streamlining your creative output, which results in more time to express yourself through your music. When utilised alongside Analogue Lab software, KeyLab essential morphs into an entirely different animal completely. Each of the 6,000+ presets intelligently map with KeyLab’s faders, knobs and pads to deliver instantaneous and inspiring access to a selection of the most iconic and classic keyboard sounds ever.

Sourced from every instrument contained within the Arturia V collection, Analogue Lab is almost like being handed the keys to a museum filled with the keyboards of your dreams, bursting with iconic analog monosynths, illustrious and exotic pianos, classic organs, digital workstations, and much more. Each of the thousands of presets has been designed by a selection of the worlds finest sound sculptors, and catalogued in an intelligent, tag-centred library.

Locating the perfect sound for your song couldn’t have been made any easier. KeyLab Essential 88 features the iconic keyboard sounds that you need to elevate your music to the next level. Analogue Lab hands you direct VIP access to the most lauded keyboards of all time, given a new life by Arturia’s exclusive ‘True Analogue Emulation’ technology.

As if all this was still not enough, Arturia have kindly included Ableton Live Lite and UVI Grand Piano Model D. Now you truly do have all you need, a superb feeling keyboard, and an arsenal of sounds.

It’s time to make music...


  • 88 note, velocity sensitive keyboard with hybrid synth-piano feel.
  • 16 back-lit, customizable performance pads
  • 9 faders & rotary encoders
  • Mackie / HUI compliant DAW Command Center
  • Clickable jog-wheel
  • Velocity & modulation wheels
  • Full Analog Lab integration
  • “Chord play” mode
  • Twin-line LCD screen
  • Class-compliant USB: use with iOS and Android devices
  • Optional sustain pedal and DC power supply
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