6-channel mixer with two zone outputs
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The MX624 Mixer from ART is a 6-channel mixer with two zone outputs, well suited for a wide range of applications including stage, studio, and permanent installs such as for conference rooms, corporate boardrooms, churches, restaurants, small clubs, health clubs and more. The mixer features 6 stereo RCA inputs with 3 XLR microphone inputs on channels 1-3. Each mic input includes individual +48V phantom power and pad selections, while mic input 1 features a ducking option that attenuates the other channels when engaged. Other inputs include a 1/8" TRS jack for portable music players, as well as a two stereo bus inputs for daisy chaining other mixers. Each channel offers Zone 1 and Zone 2 selections buttons, which route the signal to their respective stereo outputs, while the front panel offers a level control as well as bass and treble tone controls for each output. The MX624 is housed in a 1RU steel chassis with internal power supply and ships with a power cord.
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